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Page 5

  Every part I could see of him was bronze. His skin, like he spent most of his time outdoors. His jaw, which was rugged and unshaven, featured stubble the same bronze color as his head. Up there, though, it was all gelled and combed into a shaky kind of submission, the kind you wanted to get your fingers lost in.

  I’d expected someone older, someone maybe my dad’s age. This guy was thirty-five, tops. Probably a billionaire too.

  And he was pretty much the hottest man I’d ever seen.

  A fact that I could’ve better prepared myself for had I gotten my ass on the internet and googled him. Instead, I stared at him like I hadn’t eaten in two weeks and he was a big juicy steak. He was the first person you’d notice if you walked into a crowded room. He just exuded charm, presence.

  Kind of like my brother was being charming and present now.

  The moment we’d gotten off the plane, Brody’s personality had shifted. Gone was the sullen man so full of anger. He’d actually put a smile on his face and a spring in his step, shaking everyone’s hands with an easy grace that surprised me. And told me just how badly this sponsorship meant to him.

  So I’d just trailed along, letting him speak, since he was so much better at it than I was.

  But I couldn’t seem to stop my gaze from going to the man on the other side of the table.

  Why hadn’t Brody told me? Let me in on the secret that Locke Cage was an unbridled god? My big brother had the internet, after all.

  Probably because he didn’t see him that way. But still.

  I felt myself blushing, something I never did. I’d been with a few men before, but none were even remotely like him. Most of them wore flannel and cowboy boots and hunted elk for a living. And where I came from, a beer-inspired quickie in the back of a pickup truck was pretty much a standard romantic evening. Until I saw Locke Cage, I’d been satisfied with that.

  But when I saw Locke, I wanted more. More of what, I didn’t know. Contact. Him touching me, looking at me, tasting me… all of it.

  Didn’t last, though. The first hint of things going south was his handshake. It wasn’t exactly limp but more noncommittal. Daddy always said handshakes were your first impression, and to give them all you got, but this man shook hands with no feeling, like he was just going through the motions.

  As the meeting went on, that initial dumbstruck inclination to act like a giggly schoolgirl faded even more. Every time he opened his mouth, he lost a little bit of luster. Because gradually, I realized that my potential sponsor was one-hundred-percent, grade-A jerkmeat. All he did was lounge back with his open shirt and his hot, bulging chest muscles like he was the king of the world, wearing douchebag mirrored sunglasses that hid most of his face.

  Brody kept trying to sell me like I was the greatest thing since sliced bread, because this was our shot, and he didn’t want to blow it, even if it was supposed to be his. But Locke was unimpressed. He was constantly checking his phone because he was sooo über-important, and then firing questions at me like I was of some inferior breed. He was spoiled, coifed, likely hated getting his hands dirty and probably didn’t know one lick about racing. His sister looked like more of a man than he was.

  So by the end of lunch, I’d let him have it.

  And then, Brody was kicking me under the table.

  I knew it, I knew it. This guy was our chance. He had us by the balls, and Brody wanted us to clinch this. Either play nice or be on welfare next month. But I had a temper. And I sure as hell didn’t like playing nice with pretty boys who thought their shit didn’t stink.

  “I’d like to have a moment with Miss James alone,” he said once his girly, South Beach Diet meal was cleared.

  And I knew I’d gone too far. I was in for it.

  He tented his hands in front of him and frowned at me. His minions silently cleared out, probably glad because they’d all been shifting around uncomfortably while we’d been railing into each other.

  Brody looked down to see if I was all right, and I waved him away. I’d beaten bullies like this macho billionaire all my life, made them go crying home to their mommies. I shoved the last of my burger into my mouth as Locke Cage watched me like I was consuming a live puppy. If this meeting went the way it looked like it was heading, at least I’d gotten a damn good burger out of it, and I wasn’t going to waste a single bite.

  Once the room had emptied, he took a drink from his water goblet, and still holding it and swirling it like it was some great vintage of wine, pretentious jerk that he was, said, “Do you know why I sent them away, Miss James?”

  “No clue,” I said, still chewing noisily, trying to pretend I didn’t care. He had so much ego, he probably wanted me to lean over and kiss his ass so I could earn the money. Maybe suck his dick, depending on how sleazy he was. He could play hardball all he wanted. I wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction. I had dignity.

  I also had ketchup on my thumb, so I licked it off as he said, “I sent them away because I don’t want my employees to see me getting my ass handed to me.”

  I stared at him, my frown not cracking. “Well, if you’re going to act like that, you’d better get used to someone handing you your ass,” I said, then added “sir” because I still thought I should be polite, even though he didn’t deserve it.

  He removed his glasses, revealing the greenest eyes, like the darkest part of an emerald. He’d been hot before, but as his eyes settled on me, I nearly gasped aloud, they were so intense. God, did he know how disconcerting he could be, just staring at someone like that? That kind of gaze should be outlawed.

  He leaned back, crossed his arms, and gave me a slow, sexy smile. Oh, my heart. “Like what?”

  I thought he knew he had me with those eyes. And the only way I could salvage my dignity was by being brutally honest, even if he was looking to sink millions of dollars into me. “Like a pompous asshole.”

  I winced as the words hung in the air, and thought better of it, too late. His eyes widened slightly, and I braced myself for him to tell me to get my ass back on the plane, posthaste.

  Instead, he let out a low, belly twisting laugh. “All right, all right. Let’s start over. Can I ask you a question?”

  I nodded reluctantly. “As long as it isn’t a pompous asshole one.”

  He held out his hands as a sign of peace. “I’m not really a pompous asshole,” he said, like he was trying to prove it to me. Like my opinion actually mattered to him. He didn’t need to bother though. I’d already begun to believe he wasn’t one. Because he had eyes that would make me believe anything.

  I looked away, grabbed a fry, and nibbled on it, making a hmph sound like I wasn’t so sure.

  “Your brother said you wanted the Cup, but I want to hear it from your mouth. What do you want?”

  I opened my mouth to say “the Cup” because it was the easy answer. All race car drivers dreamed of that, right? But the truth was, I was practically on the other side of the world from winning first place in any cup races. No female had ever done that. At that point, I’d have settled for a good arm for my brother, some security for my parents… but for me?

  Right then, I wanted his mouth on me.

  I blinked. Where had that come from? He had a lusciously kissable mouth, pretty boy that he was. Pink, soft lips, almost like a girl’s, nice teeth. They’d probably do a good job at biting on my nipples, his tongue teasing its way over my bare skin. Despite the unshaven jaw, everything about him screamed that he took more care of himself than most men should. I bet he got regular massages. But it didn’t stop me from wanting to delve my hand under that expensive shirt of his and feel his rock-hard muscles myself.

  “To go as far in this as I can,” I answered, shoving the image of his naked body away.

  He nodded. “And how far is that?”

  “All the way, I hope,” I said to him and couldn’t help but sound seductive when I said it. He drew in a sharp breath, so I knew he wasn’t thinking of racing anymore. “What do you want, Mr. Cage?”
br />   “Isn’t it obvious?” His eyes never leaving mine, he lowered his voice to a whisper. “I want you.”

  I almost lost it right there. A man like Locke Cage should never be allowed to utter those words. It could cause a spontaneous nuclear explosion.

  “I’m sorry if I came across too hard,” he said, returning the sunglasses to his face, thankfully allowing me to concentrate again. “But I needed to see what you’re made of. Whether you have the fire to be our Drive Like a Girl spokesperson.”

  Spokesperson? “Drive like a… did you say girl?”

  He nodded. “So tell me, if we were to come to an agreement and you were to race for me, what would be your demands?”

  “Well…” My eyes trailed to the door where Brody had gone. This really was his territory. I wasn’t a wheeler-dealer like him, and he’d poured a lot of research into this one question prior to his injury. “I’d hope you can cover some of our racing costs.”

  “Naturally. But beyond that?”

  I wasn’t sure. But then something my dad used to say to me got stuck in my head. I won’t be disappointed of you if you aim high and miss. But I will be disappointed if you aim low and hit. Right then, it solidified in my mind. Aim high. Shoot for the moon, and if I got shot down, at least I tried. “I’d like to be able to choose my own pit crew.” He nodded. “And Brody would be chief.”

  A wrinkle appeared on his forehead, and it took everything inside me not to smooth it away with my fingers. “As long as he could manage it, giving his… injury.”

  “Oh, he can,” I said. “With the top-of-the-line arm you’re going to get for him.”

  He raised an eyebrow. But he didn’t say no. Shit, he didn’t say no.

  “Prosthetic arms that could really help him run in the six-figure range,” I explained, testing him out.

  He nodded. Holy shit, UnCaged Fitness didn’t just want me. They really wanted me, with double exclamation points. I wondered if I should have him pinch me, but as hot as he was, and as excited as I was, I didn’t think there was enough to stop me from jumping him once skin-to-skin contact was initiated.

  He was still waiting for more demands, but I came up blank.

  To fill the space, I added, “And of course, Brody will have more demands.”

  He nodded. “Of course.”

  “So what do you want from me?” My eyes trailed over to the bracelet on his tanned forearm, mingling with cinnamon-colored hair. Most everyone had one of those things nowadays, but I always thought I’d beat the shit out of any device that told me to get up and move when I didn’t want to. Besides that, I wasn’t tech. His was camo-colored and looked like an upgraded model. I pointed to his wrist. “You using me to advertise those thingies?”

  He looked down at his wrist, then pulled it off and nodded. He touched a button, and a screen lit up. “Yeah. The CageFree,” he said, passing it over to me.

  The CageFree was practically a household name, but I’d never paid attention to them before. I noticed it was, at the moment, giving his heart rate, a steady sixty beats per minute. Didn’t exactly look freeing to me. I regarded it with narrowed, skeptical eyes.

  “You have one?” he asked.

  “Hell, no,” I said dismissively before I realized what I’d said. “I mean—”

  “You will have to wear one, of course. As part of the sponsorship,” he said, then added, with great finality, “Everywhere.”

  “Everywhere?” I raised an eyebrow. “So if you see me without it, you’ll…?”

  “Would I see you without it?” he asked, testing me.

  When had this changed? A minute ago, we’d been at each other’s throats. Now, he was looking at me, a wolfish, up-to-no-good glint in his eyes. Was he now… flirting with me?

  I pretended to think for a moment. “Probably not, unless you have a penchant for spying on your business associates or whatever you call them while they’re using the shower.”

  That shut him down. He opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out. And part of me felt bad about it. I knew I was here for business, but something about Locke Cage made me want to press things, just to see how far they could go.



  I studied her, wondering what the hell had gotten into me.

  When I said I wanted her, it wasn’t purely as a sponsor. Actually, it wasn’t even a little bit about that. Fuck NASCAR, that was my motto. But now? My blood was pumping, my every sense was heightened, and all I could think about was what it would be like to undress her, baring those perky breasts, licking those nipples as she tangled her fingers in my hair.

  I’d been come on to a thousand times, but never once had I been so compelled to break my code of office ethics and make a move on one of my potential assets. Maybe I still had a chip on my shoulder against hot women, since they were the ones who’d teased me mercilessly in school. These days, I used them for what I needed and cut them loose, never trying to impress them or letting them see me want them. But now? I couldn’t help it. The cheesy lines had slipped out so easily. I felt myself working to curry her favor, to earn her respect.

  I want you. She’d probably been told that a million times by men. And had I really just insinuated I wanted to see her naked? She shut me down each time, trying to keep this professional.

  And good thing. Thank god for her morals. Because I was this close to breaking my restraint. This close to reaching across the table, pulling up that skirt, and taking her right there.

  Instead, I said, “All right. Could you please call the others back in, Miss James?” After all, I couldn’t stand. I was stuck behind the table, me and my raging hard-on.

  She did as I asked, which only made things worse because I had a perfect view of her tight ass as she retreated. When they returned, my sister gave me a curious look as she settled into her seat. This was how the meetings usually went. We felt potential sponsors out during a lavish meal, and if it all seemed agreeable, we invited them back to headquarters to discuss the program in more detail. “All good?” she asked, looking for the signal to proceed.

  I knew she was thinking that this was doomed, from the way Emma and I had been circling each other like sharks, but I nodded.

  “I believe we’ve overcome our differences of opinion.” I looked toward Emma to agree with me. She nodded. “You may continue.”

  Laura did a double take at me, a vaguely astonished expression on her face. “If all these preliminary details sound favorable to you, we invite you to come to our headquarters. We have a short video presentation for you, and then we can get into the nitty-gritty of what this sponsorship entails.”

  We had dessert, or at least Emma had an enormous brownie sundae while I wondered how she managed to keep such a tight body. We chitchatted about the weather and about upcoming races, and how the town came alive in February when the Daytona 500 got the season started. It gave my cock the time it desperately needed to settle down.

  I couldn’t stop looking at her, studying the way she licked her lips as she ate, the way her long fingers brushed the hair from her face. The other women in our ads were beautiful, strong, and powerful. But Emma undoubtedly added something else — raw sexuality that was offset by an innocence I couldn’t explain.

  Her ad wouldn’t just empower — it would titillate. I knew she’d captivate people in the ad, male and female.

  A stab of jealousy hit me in the gut. I didn’t want other men ogling her.

  I wanted her all to myself.

  Damn. What the hell was I thinking? Pissed at myself, I looked up and noticed that her brother was staring at me, eyes narrowed.

  Shit. I’d given that look to enough men who’d come on to Laura, so I knew exactly what it meant. It meant that if I weren’t dangling sponsorship papers over their heads, I’d already be toast, with his fist likely up my nose.

  I cleared my throat and tried to focus. “Shall we be off, then?” I said, pulling my blazer closed as I stood, just in case the hard-on made a reappe

  We had three Town Cars waiting at the curb, and the idea was that Laura and I would ride with the prospective assets. When I climbed into the cabin of the car and sat across from Emma, I realized that her skirt was so short that even though she kept her legs closed, I could see right up in that space between her thighs, to her pink underwear.

  Pink. So she was feminine, underneath all that motor oil and grease. I wondered what other secrets she held, deep within… what other mysteries I could unravel.

  My cock pulsed again. Those long legs, that pink triangle, and beneath it, that sweet pussy…

  I shifted my gaze and landed right on Brody. His lips curled in a snarl, his eyes hard. I knew I might as well have had a thought bubble over my head that said I want to fuck your sister because, without a doubt, he looked even more pissed off than before.

  I cleared my throat. “So what do you think of Daytona?” I asked, this time trying to include them both so he wouldn’t think I was zoning in on his sister, even though I had been.

  She smiled. “It’s nice here. I’d love to see the speedway.”

  “You will. We’ll get you a tour. Especially since you’ll be racing there in February.”

  She blinked, then froze. “What?”

  I relished seeing her off her game. “Didn’t we tell you? This sponsorship is going all the way. We want you to compete in the Monster Cup Series, and my goal is to get you into the Daytona 500.”

  She looked at me like I was insane. “But I’ve never been in Monster Cup races before. Just Xfinity. I’d have to place in a hell of a lot more races, you know, to do that.”

  I grinned at her. “And I’m betting millions of dollars that says you will. We want to be the primary sponsor for all your races, Miss James. As many as we can get you in over the next two years at least. Because we want you to earn enough points to get into Daytona.”

  She blanched. “All my races? That could seriously cost…” She shook her head, and I could practically see her attempt to count all the zeros. Her voice was barely a breath. “Are you sure? I-I can’t—”